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A completely burnt car

Your GitHub stats graph is too green; you're definitely burnt out. Well...

Broken beyond repair‽

Image of a broken window by Bálint Szabó

One year after Joomla v4.0.0 might be an excellent time to write honest opinions about that release. Mainly on the bad things.

From HTML to PWA Pt. 1

Image of a cassete by Dmitriy Demidov

Site or App? SPA or MPA? React, Vue, Svelte, Solid, Lit, μhtml or another framework/library? Use the platform or use a trendy framework? Let's start with plain HTML and figure out if we can reach the other end of the spectrum in a progressively enhancing way...

Child templates

A child looking at the sea

For ages Joomla didn't have any meaningful way to handle user created overrides for templates. Did you changed any file from the template? Possibly your changes will be reverted in the next update. Things have change, now there are child templates and they promise to solve those cases and maybe a few more.

Pens of freedom

Image of a pen over a notepad

Creating live examples from code snippets in a site, particularly a documentation site, is extremely helpful for users, as they get to play with the code. Eleventy (rightfully) didn't have such functionality out of the box but don't despair...

Fight the bloatwares

Screenshot of the application

According to urbandictionary.com, the term is described as software that comes piggy-backed on other software installations. Bloatware usually includes toolbars desktop widgets or external unrelated applications. Most piggy-backing bloatware can perform a mundane task that is generally non-essential to everyday computer use.

The hidden cost of Frontend

Joomla 3.9 introduced a new feature for content privacy which is a great addition to the tools provided out of the box but, after 4 patches and countless mentions for it, still has a flaw. A major one...

No more cookies please

Hand holding a cookie

Monolithic applications, like PHP CMS', usually need a way to synchronise the state of the client [browser] with their own, but there are cases that a stateless application will work fine. Let's explore how we can achieve a cookieless Joomla instance

Solving Joomla’s UX problems

A tunnel

Joomla 4.0 is painstakingly crafted by a bunch of people. One of the main areas of improvement was to simplify the convoluted User Experience. So how things are evolving? What’s the plan there?