It is a custom element wrapper around postcss-dark-theme-class
11ty shortcode for codepen
A wrapper around the web platform validation
A glorified css reset
A plugin for responsive images using the picture element. Supports Webp
A plugin for invalidating the browser cache of static assets
A plugin enabling many hidden (or not so) features of the core tinyMCE editor
A plugin that introduces a restricted access to a specific part of the images folder
A rework of the Atum template with Bootstrap 5.3 and native dark theme
A simple SPA that creates a Joomla component for managing landing pages.
A simple plugin that allows for a custom edit form per category.
A Joomla 4 starter template for PWA/SPA
A plugin for disabling gzip for various bots, (Facebook, Linkedin)
A simple CLI script for exporting Joomla articles to .md files. Supports also K2
A simple component for exporting Joomla articles to .md files
A simple svelte SPA that creates a Joomla component (by Michael Babker) for managing landing pages.
A complete package for the Sloth template.
11ty shortcode for codepen
A simple 11ty based site that benchmarks some sites Docsify codepen generator
Docsify shortcode for codepen
Web Components polyfill A simple plugin that backports the version 4 lazyloading for images.
A simple component that prepares the db images entries for the version 4.
A simple plugin that backports the Web Components support to version 3.